Friday, May 28, 2010

It's OFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seven days ago, my external frame was removed.  After five months and three days, my frame was removed - so why don't I feel happy?????

I have struggled emotionally this past week, hence a week without blogging.  Although I AM excited to have that heavy piece of plastic and metal off and out of my leg, I am fearful about my future self.  Can this happen to me again?

I know I am sounding like a broken record, as I've questioned my future before, but I am unable to shake this feeling.  

My doctor was very positive and reassuring regarding my healing process.  He is happy that I am willing to move at a conservative pace as I am wearing a walking cast for two weeks.  (My doctor was going to put me in something less supportive, enabling me to easily shower.)  I figure, after five months of hell, why would I rush the process now.  Really?  Now?  I don't think so.

I have to work my feelings out regarding everything I am going through.  I know this is not the end, but the beginning of the next phase of  my life.  I simply ask that God continue to guide me and direct me through this journey.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Little Sad Today...

Today I am sad.  No one, particular incident occurred which I can blame for my state of mind, yet and still, I am sad today.

Part of me feels I should be happier since Friday will mark the removal of this frame, (I am claiming removal in the name of Jesus, Amen.) however, I can't find happiness at this moment.  Maybe I am thinking of all the things I now wish for my life, causing another level of sadness.  Maybe it's because I know I will have to release some things and some people in order to move forward, and knowing this makes me feel sad.  Maybe it's my anticipation for Friday - maybe.

In truth, I maybe sad because I am thinking of a future for myself and I still see myself alone.  I know that a relationship/marriage is not a fix all for life's unexpected turns, but now, more than ever before, I have a true desire to not walk through life alone.

I know Dearest is currently in my life, and for him I am thankful, however I am uncertain if there is a future with him.  He has walked this journey with me.  For five months, he has showed up - even when I didn't want him to.  We have shared laughs, I have shared some fears, and he has also wiped away my tears; for five months God granted me a shoulder to lean on.  If things could continue to be that simple, maybe I would be okay.  But, like most things in my life, things are not that simple.

I know God knows my heart, my desires, and my prayers.  I am looking forward to moving forward, I just know I need guidance and direction from above because I don't want to be sad anymore.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Five months and counting...

Today marked five months that I've been fixed to a frame!  I can't believe I am still fixed, but Lord willing, my ordeal will be over Friday.  It is late and I am drained, so I can't express all that I am feeling on this day, but know this experience has changed my life!

Monday, May 17, 2010

A future in fear....

I am sitting here listening to Mint Condition (HOT R&B group with various hits going back to the 80's) and thinking how I have four more days until my next surgical procedure.  As cool as I am working to be in the midst of all that is happening, I continue to find myself  anxious - not about surgery, but about the future me.

The "future me," hmmm.  Through-out this situation/process/experience, I feel as if I've lost a piece of myself.  I am not sure if I feel I've lost security in self, a sense of always being mobile, or if I've lost a sense of my free spirit.  I guess I just figured it out, I've lost a sense of my free spirit - the belief that I can still do most things.
Prior to this experience, I was a cautious person, simply because I knew I was vulnerable to falling and I had already had my share of negative experiences - things I truly did not want to repeat.  However, I don't think I lived in a fearful state, I was cautious but not fearful.  In truth, my biggest fear prior to this experience was walking/getting around when raining and although still difficult at times, I had made adjustments. (Rain was a key element involved the day I fractured my hip seven and a half years ago so rain has been an issue for me since that day.)  And yet today, I have a sense of fear about how I will look, develop, and evolve physically in the future.

With all that I warned about regarding Charcot-Marie-Tooth-Syndrome, a dislocated ankle, also known as Charcot Foot, was the one thing I was NEVER warned about.  And now, after reading of the symptoms and going through this experience, I worry daily about the right side of my body.   I worry daily that my body will give away again, and if that happens, what will happen to me???

Through-out this process, being alone has taken on an entirely different meaning for me.  My younger self never imagined I would not be married/with family at 36, and yet, that sums up a significant piece of my life.  Scary - very scary. 

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Floating thoughts...

Today, I find it difficult to blog because I have so many thoughts floating around: Friday's outcome; my future mobility; my future employment; and the ability to continue pursuing my dream.  As the day ticked away, I found myself in a weird trance-like state.  I don't think I was stuck in sadness, but I truly don't know which other word to use.  Being fixed to a frame for five months places so much stuff on your heart.  I find that I have all these desires but am unable to pursue them because of the state I am in.  Now that this phase of my journey may be over, I worry about re-claiming the  life I once had, and in truth, I want to make my life better.

I know that there is a purpose for my life and a future not yet  known to me.  I just ask God to allow me to hear His voice as he provides me direction to find it.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Emotional Roller Coaster...

Yesterday was an exhausting day emotionally.  I was tense all morning as I awaited my doctor's decision about progressing with surgery to remove the frame from my left leg - I was a MESS!!!
I cried when the doctor said he would move forward with the surgery scheduled for Friday, May 21st.  I cried tears of joy at the fact that this phase of my life might be over in seven days - SEVEN DAYS!!!  I exhaled as I cried while sitting on the exam table.  For the first time in months, I felt RELIEF.

However, as always, my visit was not simple and straight forward.  I was cautioned that while under anesthesia, my leg will be examined, checking bone strength and stability.  If my bone is as strong as it appears on the x-ray, the frame will be removed and I will move into a splint until my pin sites close. If, however, my bone is  not, the frame will be revised and I will stay in it for a while longer.  I PRAY FOR TOTAL REMOVAL!!!!

Knowing God is in control of all things, I feel a little less anxious today.  I am always nervous about having surgery - I get emotional just thinking about it - but I feel/believe that this phase will be over in seven days.  I'm a very emotional person, in case I never stated this fact, so I know my mood will vary over the next several days.  However, I  will work to keep two facts in mind: "God meets your needs;" and "I am healed in Jesus' name." Amen...AMen...AMEN!!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

In Anticipation...

Goal: shower, pack, prepare to go to mom's house

I am ready to go off w/ my mom again as I have another doctor's appointment in the morning.  I am working on staying positive, allowing nothing to way my spirits down, for tomorrow I await the verdict: removal surgery - yes or no.

As I look at my leg, I feel it is time to remove this frame.  I feel it is time to move into the next phase of recovery.  I have my pain under control and have been able to walk on the bottom of my foot for a week w/out discomfort.  I feel God has favor upon me and will allow this phase of my journey to come to an end.

"Lord, I come to you asking forgiveness.  I come seeking your mercy and strength. I ask that my healing be complete for this frame to be removed. I ask for mental help so I can continue to process the events as they unfold before me.   I ask that you hold me in your favor, letting your will be done.  In Jesus' name, Amen."